Welcome to our web site!
Dakota Bariatrics is a web site dedicated to education patients on gastric bypass, Lap-Band,
and sleeve gastrectomy. There is also a link to information regarding single incision laparoscopic surgery or SILS.
Weight loss surgery is a journey to a healthier, more predictable way of life. It is a treatment option for people how
have tried to lose weight through other means such as dieting but have not experienced long term success.
It has been estimated by the NIH that approximately 130 million americans are "overweight", with around 9 million of
those being morbidly obese. Morbidly obese is defined as being 100 pounds over your ideal body weight, or a body mass
index of 40 or greater. For your personal BMI, please see the link to a BMI calculator.
We offer purely restrictive procedures such as the sleeve gastrectomy, and the Lap-Band system. We also offer a
hybrid between restrictive and malabsorption called the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. All three procedures offer excellent
results in weight loss.